Christmas Lunch was DELICIOUS!
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The babies had a merry time getting into the Christmas spirit this week!...
This week we were learning all about consecutive numbers. Using a 10 frame and counters we found out that consecutive numbers such as 6 and 7 always have a difference of one. This helped us to complete a series of subtraction expressions involving consecutive numbers...
In our writing we have been learning about play scripts, using dialogue, directions and play scripts punctuation....
In Literacy, Reception have been writing letters to Santa and went to post them on Friday morning. We discussed that whilst we may ask for things, we may not always get them straight away or at all. We also discuss the importance of gratitude and...
In Year 5 as part of our Christmas door display we made peaceful wishes for Christmas....
In science, we were learning about food chains and the biomes. Our chosen biome was Grassland. We researched plants and animals adapted to grassland and created our own food chains!...
In Writing we have been focusing on the picture fiction text 'The Hackney Martian.' With the help of a story map we have been making up our own version of the tale. We have used big bold actions and loud proud voices to get really...
For maths we have been sorting objects into colours. We then used our knowledge to make coloured patterns using the peg boards and pegs....