Preschool – Under Two Room – Mixing colours
We have been using sponges to mix different colours. We then decorated our winter hats!...
We have been using sponges to mix different colours. We then decorated our winter hats!...
We have been looking at our new topic story of ‘Snow’, so we thought it would be a great idea to create a snow farm for the preschool animals. We enjoyed sprinkling, squashing and rolling the snow!...
We've been busy developing our gross motor skills with some of our new outdoor resources. All this sweeping can be very hard work!...
As part of our learning in Expressive Arts and Design we have been exploring ways to change some of our favourite songs and rhymes! First we shared and named lots of them, then we had a go at changing some words in the song! Some...
We have been learning how to compare numbers and quantities. Here we are, collecting fish and ducks, grouping them by different characteristics and comparing the size of these groups....
We have been learning about shape in Maths. We had lots of fun building and drawing Tetromino and Pentomino arrangements. A Tetromino shape uses four square tiles while a Pentomino shape uses 5. We used the squares of our book as a helpful guide....
We have been exploring 2D shapes and their properties. We have been grouping them, comparing them and creating repeated patterns....
We have been working together to edit our amazing journey stories based on the book 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett. We used our editing pens to add in missing punctuation and correct misspelt words....
In our maths lessons we have been learning about angles in shapes. We played guess the shape with a partner. Mohammed described his shape as having 4 right angles and four sides of the same length. Can you guess the shape?...
Our new Science topic is all about forces. In groups we explored our classroom to find out what can be pulled and pushed and the effects of these forces....