Preschool – Under Two’s Room – Imaginary play
In the preschool, we know how to make good use of an old cardboard box! This week, it is our new bus and we all love riding around the classroom in it!...
In the preschool, we know how to make good use of an old cardboard box! This week, it is our new bus and we all love riding around the classroom in it!...
We used junk modelling boxes to create tall towers. We stacked them on top of one another and then knocked them all down to see what would happen! ...
This week in our physical and social development session, we took turns using different bottles and cups to transfer glitter water into containers. This helped us to improve our sharing, eye coordination and fine motor skills. It also kept us really cool!...
In the Baby Room, we have been developing our motor skills. The sun is out and so is the water play! We are loving learning how to splash, pick up objects and interact with our friends. We even used our sense of taste to try...
In our Art sessions, we had a lot of fun crafting Union Jack flags this week. We practiced our fine-motor skills by painting our hands red and blue before stamping them onto paper....
We have been LOVING the sunshine this week! The bubble machine made so many bubbles for us to chase, pop and blow!...
Our story for Topic is ‘Walking Through The Jungle'. We decided to use scissors to cut out lots of different Jungle animals. Watch out there’s a crocodile about!...
This week we have been using jugs, ladles and pipettes to transfers water into different containers/bowls. Team work makes the dream work! ...
We have enjoyed saving the animals from the swirling whirling snow storm. We scooped them out using spoons and placed them in a bowl so they were safe....
We have been learning about Spring so we decided to make play-dough flowers, we started with the petals, aren't they beautiful!...