Creating a wisdom tree in PSHE in Year 5
In PSHE we were exploring the definition of wisdom. We created a wisdom tree with proverbs and personal wisdom from our parents, religions or sayings we have heard at home. ...
In PSHE we were exploring the definition of wisdom. We created a wisdom tree with proverbs and personal wisdom from our parents, religions or sayings we have heard at home. ...
Loneliness Online/ What Causes It and Ways to Feel Better Click here to learn more about Loneliness Online/ What Causes It and Ways to Feel Better...
In PSHE this week, we had a discussion about how important a positive classroom environment is and how we can help to create it individually and collectively. Together with our teacher, we created our own learning charter that we all agreed to follow by signing...
In PHSE, we were learning about teamwork. We discussed why teams are necessary and what makes a good team. We then completed the challenge of making the tallest tower out of newspaper and masking tape in our teams. The winners were not the children with...
Click here to read an online guide for Parents and Carers - 12 Ways to Champion Equality Online...
Join us in finding happiness each day using the Action for Happiness Optimistic October...
In PSHE, we have been learning about rewards and consequences. We then created our own postcards to send home for when we have earned a reward. Hopefully you'll get to see a postcard home soon!...
Creating a digital footprint for a child by sharing information about them has become known as ‘Sharenting’, when parents inadvertently or intentionally create a digital dossier for their child. Please follow the link here to read the risks of 'sharenting' and to see how you can make your 'Sharenting'...
In PSHE, we have been thinking about our worries and wishes for the year ahead. We have spoken about how to deal with worries and when is the right time to share them. Our wishes for the year ahead include; improving our handwriting, going on...