Easter crafts in Reception
In Reception, we've been developing our fine motor skills whilst creating some Easter themed crafts. We looked at different 2D shapes as we were making our bunnies!...
In Reception, we've been developing our fine motor skills whilst creating some Easter themed crafts. We looked at different 2D shapes as we were making our bunnies!...
In EAD, we have been exploring colour and texture. We've been learning about pond creatures and got creative making colourful paper towel newts....
Come, explore and borrow from our new Early Years Library! Explore a range of high-quality stories and resources that you can share at home! You will find some board books, topic-specific stories, rhymes and poems, story props and parent information related to story time and developing...
In Reception, we have been practising our segmenting, blending and letter formation in the continuous provision. We are working on identifying and using our special friends. e.g sh, th, ch....
For our new topic, Spring. We made our very own Bog Babies after drawing them and writing a list of materials we would need in literacy....
In Expressive Art and Design, we have been role playing train journeys. We filled in the destinations on our train tickets and hopped on for a ride!...
In our continuous provision, we have been developing our fine and gross motor skills by drawing large scale vehicles. We have also been using our mathematical awareness to identify and use shapes in these drawings....
Our focus text in Reception is 'The Gruffalo'. In 'Understanding the World' we have been exploring habitats we would find in the woods. We had a great time making our junk model habitats in Haggerston Park Woodlands....
In Physical development we have been practising our balance and coordination using bucket stilts!...
In 'Expressive Arts and Design' we have been painting landscapes on blocks. We have been exploring forests and woodland areas and have been practising painting the details on trees....