Improving our fine motor skills by cutting patterns in Reception
In Reception, we have been working on our fine motor physical development skills in the continuous provision. We practised cutting some patterns and created some artwork....
In Reception, we have been working on our fine motor physical development skills in the continuous provision. We practised cutting some patterns and created some artwork....
We have been sharing stories with each other during choosing time. We love looking at the pictures and sharing what we think might be happening. We are also beginning to identify initial sounds in words....
In Literacy Reception have been reading Ruby's Worry. We had a go at making happy potions at our malleable table. We worked together to pick, measure and write down the ingredients to make the perfect recipe....
In Reception we have been following instructions in our communication and language carpet sessions and using this information to make our very own Elmer biscuits. We know we need butter, sugar, plain flour and a magical topping of our choice to make these shortbread biscuits....
Reception have been busy using their imaginations to create new things using junk modelling materials in expressive arts and design. We also read 'It's Not a Box' for some inspiration....
This week, Reception have been settling into our new learning environment. We have had a blast reconnecting with our friends and exploring our new space and materials!...
One of our Reception children has their art on display at the Royal Academy of Arts. Please use the link below to see his piece of art and then there is a link on that page to vote for it too: Well done Jude, we are...
We went to visit our new classrooms which we will use for our time in Year 1. We learnt who our teachers will be and which other children will be in our class. After exploring our new surroundings, we talked about the different types of...
Throughout our year in Reception, we have been learning how to be resilient in the face of a challenge. When a problem arises, we try our best to think about ways to manage it. For example, if something doesn't work the way we hoped to, or our creation...
In our literacy sessions, we have been using our phonic knowledge to compose and write sentences. In this picture the children have worked together to scribe a sentence for a funny image on our interactive board. They were careful to orientate their letters correctly, write all of...