Exploring our Reception learning environment
This week, Reception have been settling into our new learning environment. We have had a blast reconnecting with our friends and exploring our new space and materials!...
This week, Reception have been settling into our new learning environment. We have had a blast reconnecting with our friends and exploring our new space and materials!...
One of our Reception children has their art on display at the Royal Academy of Arts. Please use the link below to see his piece of art and then there is a link on that page to vote for it too: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/exhibitions/2022/63875?query=Jude Well done Jude, we are...
We went to visit our new classrooms which we will use for our time in Year 1. We learnt who our teachers will be and which other children will be in our class. After exploring our new surroundings, we talked about the different types of...
Throughout our year in Reception, we have been learning how to be resilient in the face of a challenge. When a problem arises, we try our best to think about ways to manage it. For example, if something doesn't work the way we hoped to, or our creation...
In our literacy sessions, we have been using our phonic knowledge to compose and write sentences. In this picture the children have worked together to scribe a sentence for a funny image on our interactive board. They were careful to orientate their letters correctly, write all of...
In Mathematics we have been learning about specific time durations and are becoming familiar with measuring tools in everyday experiences and play! We have been counting how many times we can hop, jump and clap within set times, and how tall we can build towers...
As part of our learning in Expressive Arts and Design, and Personal, Social and Emotional Learning, we have been exploring ways to be creative and problem solve! We have thinking about different ways to play and use objects, such a box or a stick! We...
In Mathematics this week, we have been learning to use the mathematical skills we have garnered over the course of the year to solve problems. In this picture, the children used the 'Plan, Do, Review' approach to first draw their construction ideas and then use...
In our Communication and Language lessons we are exploring a fantastic new book called 'Splash! Anna Hibiscus'. We have been learning to use descriptive words to talk about the setting and the feelings of the characters within the story. In this picture the children are...
As part of our learning in exploring our topic of Summer, we have been engaging in role play and exploring what we would need and could do on the beach! We have learnt about some items we could bring along, what we would hope we...