Making electrical circuits in Year 4 Science
In science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson, we constructed our own circuits that we will use for our experiment next week!...
In science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson, we constructed our own circuits that we will use for our experiment next week!...
In Gardening club, we saw the first signs of Spring. We were so excited to see our snowdrops have started to display their flowers and we can’t wait to see the daffodils flower hopefully very soon!...
In Science, we have been learning about microhabitats. We made our own minibeast hotels to see if minibeasts would like to live in a made habitat or whether they would prefer their own naturally occurring microhabitats. We also estimated where minibeasts would be found in...
In Year 4 in Science, we have been learning about animal classification. We did an interactive quiz to consolidate our learning....
Year 5 met up with the edible garden and slaters institute to continue our submission for the wild city project. We learnt about the different layers of a forest garden and investigated our current outdoor area and began planning what we would like to have...
In science we have been investigating forces. Today we investigated the size of a canopy and the effect it has on the rate of descent. We saw how air resistance and gravity are opposing forces. Ask us about the results of our investigation....
In Gardening club this week, we prepped our flower beds ready to plant some early flowering plants. We learnt about the ideal soil and lighting conditions and weeded the flower bed. We then planted some daffodils and some snow drops so that they would flower...
In Science this term, our topic is 'Living Things and their Habitats'. In this week's lesson, we did research on the different groups animals can be classified into and created posters....
We continued to explore our Winter topic by looking at changes between hot and cold things. We used our senses again to describe what we could see, taste and smell, and then made guesses as to what could happen when a marshmallow goes into a hot...
Year 1 had a brilliant time at the Natural History Museum this Monday! We were thrilled to explore many elements of the Natural World including dinosaurs, the animal kingdom, volcanoes, earthquakes and much more! Our school trip will help us to better understand our Science...