Investigating light and dark in Year 3
We have been exploring light. We were investigating which materials were reflective and others that are not as reflective. We enjoyed investigating in the dark....
We have been exploring light. We were investigating which materials were reflective and others that are not as reflective. We enjoyed investigating in the dark....
In year 5 we constructed different sized canopies for parachutes. We will be seeing how size affects the rate of descent during our science experiment next week....
We have been completing an experiment to see the relationship between gravitational force and mass....
In science, we have begun our new unit Electricity. Circuits can be found in all electrical appliances and we discussed the main components of a circuits and their functions....
We have been exploring different colours and what happens if we mix them! We mixed yellow and blue ice together which created the colour green, we then added different materials to see if they would change colour and they did!...
We have been identifying different parts of eggs in order to explore the life cycles of birds....
In year 2, we have created our own ‘minibeast hotels’. In our science lessons we have been learning about habitats and this week we focussed our learning on microhabitats. We thought about what materials minibeasts might like in their ‘hotels’. We enjoyed looking for these...
We have been learning about the different types of food we eat while exploring colours, texture, smell and taste. We used play dough and real food to pretend to cook our favourite meals. Yummy!...
In the Preschool 2 year old room we are continuing to explore the world around us and learning about snow! Here we are sharing and taking turns while rolling our snow balls down the ramp....
We have been enjoying exploring wintery environments this week in Reception! We used our creativity and imagination to create them using a wide range of materials. We explored textures and colours, and retold what we added in our art piece and why....