Exercise, exercise, exercise in Year 2
We have been learning about the importance of exercise in our science lessons. We tried out lots of different exercises and even made our own exercise videos! ...
We have been learning about the importance of exercise in our science lessons. We tried out lots of different exercises and even made our own exercise videos! ...
We have been learning about the different types of teeth we have and then investigating which teeth we use to eat different foods. It was a yummy science experiment!...
We have loved learning all about how we can look after our teeth. We have explored the different types of teeth we have and what they do. We also researched tooth decay and foods which are not good for our teeth. We shared our learning...
In science, we have been looking at how water and nutrients move through the body. In our experiment, we looked at how liquids pass through a paper towel. This is similar to how nutrients pass through the capillary wall and into the blood. ...
We are learning about Autumn, so we decided to mix blue, red and yellow paints to create brown. We used twigs and sticks to mix the colours together and then painted different Autumn objects....
In Science we are learning about the skeleton and how our bones are important for the protection of our organs and how they help us to move. Did you know that if we didn’t have bones, we would all be like slugs!...
We are learning about the digestive system in Science. We did an experiment on what happens to our food as it passes through our body and comes out as waste!...
We carried out an experiment to find out the affect temperature has on evaporation. We weighed and evenly wet three cloths and put them in three different environments of various temperatures, the fridge, outside and in a room temperature classroom. Every hour we then weighed...
We used a prism to see how light refracted into 7 colours. We then made spinning discs of those 7 colours and then when we spun them really fast it looked like the disc was white in colour!...
In Science we have been looking at what dissolves and what doesn't. We've also made our own salt crystals. In History we are finishing exploring Ancient Greece by making our own Greek vases. [gallery ids="3681,3680,3679"] ...