Great Fire of London timelines in Year 2
We have been learning about the different stages of the Great Fire of London. We discussed and acted out different parts and then put them on a timeline....
We have been learning about the different stages of the Great Fire of London. We discussed and acted out different parts and then put them on a timeline....
We have been practicing our editing skills in writing and sharing our work with our partners so that we can help each other and give helpful feedback....
This week in, we have been recapping our knowledge on direction, time and fractions. We practiced our direction language with an app called bee bot which also required us to refresh our knowledge of coding. We practiced our time knowledge by showing different times on...
This week we launched our new history topic 'The Great Fire of London'! We discussed when the event happened and compared it on a timeline to other events we have learnt about in history. We compared what London used to look like to how it...
We have been considering the Easter story and we have learnt about the symbols that represent Easter, new life and the Christian message of Easter. We made Easter baskets that we designed with eggs, crosses and chicks which all represent the Easter story....
We have finished out art project learning about the human form and created peg dolls of some of the significant people we have learnt about this term....
We continued our art project which is looking at the human form. We looked at the artist, Julian Opie and took inspiration to create our own self portraits. Who can you see in these masterpieces? [gallery ids="5994,5995,5993,5999,6000"]...
This week we have been loving science week! We had an enquiry question which was asking whether a triangular prism or a cylinder is stronger. We worked together to solve the problem by seeing which one held more weight!...
This week we have been doing some really challenging maths! As a class we have found subtraction tricky but we have all persevered and now we’re subtraction super stars!...
We have continued our art project on the human form with our focus being the face. We used the technique of collage to create interesting looking faces!...