Exploring Maps in Geography Year 2
In our geography unit ‘Hackney Walk’, we have been learning all about maps! This week we were exploring human and physical features. We went on a walk around our school to see what features we could spot....
In our geography unit ‘Hackney Walk’, we have been learning all about maps! This week we were exploring human and physical features. We went on a walk around our school to see what features we could spot....
On our school trip the the Horniman Museum, Year 2 went pond dipping and minibeast hunting! We were so excited to see so many different types of beasts and enjoyed learning about and looking at their habitats and microhabitats....
In our Computing lesson, we have been learning about using technology to record and enter data. We made pictograms to record our class’ favourite colours, fruits and mini beasts!...
In Maths, Year 2 have been practising their directional skills. We used triangles to work our whether it had turned a quarter, half, three quarter or full turn. We also reminded ourselves about whether an object was turning clockwise or anti-clockwise....
In Maths, Year 2 have been practising telling the time and reading a clock to 5 minute intervals. We began by reminding ourselves what each number represented on the clock and how many minutes past or to the hour that was....
In our Spanish lessons, we have been learning the Spanish words for different actions by playing the game 'Simon says'. We love our lessons with Senior Enrique!...
Year 2 celebrated the end of their SATS exams this week. We were so proud of all the work we had put into our exams and so we took some time to celebrate together with our friends and a fun picnic....
In our Maths lessons, we have been learning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. We have been doing so well using our clocks to help us!...
In history our topic ‘Space Race’ , we were learning about Apollo 11’s journey to the moon! Afterwards, we had a debate using the question ‘Is it a good idea to go to the moon?’ The children came up with lots of very interesting arguments...
In history, year 2 have been focussing on creating accurate chronological timelines. We placed the key moments of the Apollo launch in a timeline and put the matching pictures with them. ...