Character descriptions in Year 3
In English we have been looking at the stories of the 'BFG' by Roald Dahl and 'Planet Omar' by Zanib Mian. In one lesson we looked at descriptions and tried to match them with characters within the story....
In English we have been looking at the stories of the 'BFG' by Roald Dahl and 'Planet Omar' by Zanib Mian. In one lesson we looked at descriptions and tried to match them with characters within the story....
This term we are reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. In our first lesson we wrote about how the characters may have felt when they first saw the BFG. Just in case you didn't know BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant!!!...
In our reading lessons we have been reading the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’. We explored the features of the poem such and rhyming couplets and worked together in groups to perform the poem to the class....
In our singing lesson we learnt the Jingle Bell Rock, we were singing and dancing which made us feel even more excited about Christmas!...
We have been learning about measuring mass in mathematics. We have been estimating and then weighing objects from around our classroom accurately using weighing scales. We have been learning about how to use the right units of measure as well as how to read intervals...
We have been comparing human geographical features found in Hackney compared to human geographical features found in the village Mr Whittle grew up in. We made a presentation on our iPads with photos found on Google earth to compare the two....
In our Maths lessons we have been learning about units of measure, particularly centimetres and metres. We had lots of fun finding different objects to measure around our classroom....
In Science we have been learning about the importance of muscles. We did an experiment to test how hard it is to write our names without using our arm muscles....
In maths, we have been learning to add and subtract multiples of ten. We used different methods to help us find the answers including dienes, number lines and counters....
We have been learning about the different human geographical features of villages, towns and cities. We also looked at how they are interconnected and how this impacts the way we live....