Super skeletons in Year 3
In Science we are learning about the skeleton and how our bones are important for the protection of our organs and how they help us to move. Did you know that if we didn’t have bones, we would all be like slugs!...
In Science we are learning about the skeleton and how our bones are important for the protection of our organs and how they help us to move. Did you know that if we didn’t have bones, we would all be like slugs!...
In our PSHCE lessons we have been exploring the idea of family and what it means to us. We discussed the similarities and differences between our families too. We decided that we are a class family of 3H. Here are some examples of what family...
In Art we have been learning how to mix paints to create different shades and tints....
In Spanish we have been learning the vocabulary for fruit. Our Spanish speaking pupil helped teach everyone else the correct pronunciation of all the words we are learning....
In our writing lessons, we have been reading the book ‘Flotsam’ by David Weisner. We explored the front cover, first page of the book and made predictions about the story. We investigated what had washed up on beaches, looking closely at the items with magnifying glasses...
We have continued our learning about Jamaica. We learnt about popular Jamaican food and even had a chance to make some Jamaican mince patties with Miss King! Everyone enjoyed cooking and loved eating them afterwards!...
We wrote, filmed and edited a news report on our chosen famous person with Jamaican heritage. We had loads of fun being writers and film makers for the last two weeks and we learnt so many digital skills....
In our Art lessons, we have been learning about the artist Bernard Hoyes. We recreated one of his pieces of work named ‘Dancing Lady’. First we carefully sketched our outlines using grid lines to help us. Next we chose either water colour paints or pastels...
We have been learning about the history, culture and geography in Jamaica and studied the flag, made our own and then wrote about what each colour represents....