Year 5 Writing Competition Entrants
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
In our PSHE lesson this week, we discussed the importance of remaining calm in emergency situations. We also practised placing each other in the recovery position....
Year 5 enjoyed another fantastic residential trip to Ufton Court this week. Amongst many activities, they practised the outdoor survival skill of lighting their own fires....
In celebration of World Book Day, Year 5 visited Waterstones in Liverpool Street. We had a chance to explore a wide range of our favourite books!...
This term in PSHE we are learning about how to be healthy. In this week's lesson, we learned about smoking and the effects it can have on the body....
Year 5 had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Ufton Court, where they took part in lots of fun outdoor and indoor activities. Here are just a few of the things they did!...
On Friday, we visited an exhibition: Working Class Britain Re-Seen. The exhibition explores the overlooked richness and diversity of working-class life and creative expression from the 1950s to the present day. ...
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to become chefs to prepare and make our own pizzas! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, thanks to the PTA who organised this trip for us!...
In art this week, we discussed how colours work together and identified how colours make us feel....
In humanities this term we will be learning about the Amazon Rainforest/Brazil. We had the opportunity to go to Kew Gardens and take part in a workshop that taught us about the food and medicine taken from the plants in the rainforest and the impact...