Year 6 have arrived at Ufton Court safe and sound. Just before getting off the coach they took a selfie...
We have taken part in a science investigation: The taller you are, the longer you jump. We measured each other’s height, then took to the playground to measure how long each person jumped. Our investigation results were, that strength determined how long your jump was...
This week we investigated created different circuits to find find which would produce the brightest light. We found that the more power a circuit has, the brighter the bulb will be....
We have been learning to read maps. Using the grid coordinates, we were able to find the four and six point grid references for different locations across London....
In science, we have begun our new unit Electricity. Circuits can be found in all electrical appliances and we discussed the main components of a circuits and their functions....
Goodbye Mr Hoole In year 6, this week, we say goodbye to Mr Hoole. Mr Hoole has been supporting learning while he trains to be a teacher. We wish him all the best in the rest of his studies and in his future career....
This half term we have been learning all about the Civil Rights movement. We learnt all about Martin Luther King and wrote poems based on his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech....
We used drama to portray different emotions through body language. We will use it to help write our diary entries later this week....