Learning different drum patterns in Year 6
In music, we learnt about Country and Western Music from USA. Also, learnt a new beat called Tiki Tiki Taka....
In music, we learnt about Country and Western Music from USA. Also, learnt a new beat called Tiki Tiki Taka....
In Science, we compared the voltage of different batteries to see if we could make the brightest bulb....
In science we explored the different components of a circuit and their functions. Here we are making simple circuits....
For World Book Week, we created our own information sheets based on our favourite book character or author. Here's the footballer and author Marcus Rashford!...
We learnt all about fractions, decimals and percentages. We were able to compare and order by converting to equivalent units. Can you find out what decimal and fraction is equivalent to 67%?...
In Spanish we have been devising our own songs. The lyrics are based on all the things we like, which are translated into Spanish....
In year 6 we visited London Buddhist Centre. We learnt all about how Buddhists in East London live and practice their faith. ...
In Year 6, we have learnt about how we can create cohesion using punctuation marks. Have a look at our sentences we helped each other to create!...
In Year 6, we created our own prints based on William Morris’s artwork. Here we are carving our designs on linoleum. Keep a lookout for our finished work which will be displayed by the hall....