In accordance with the Statement of Entitlement Document written by the Church of England (2019) we ensure the following:
- Children will study a two-third Christianity and one-third World Faiths curriculum in KS1 and KS2. The World Faiths include; Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Local Faiths in our Community. In EYFS, the children will study a Christianity based curriculum. Children will gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews appreciating diversity, continuity and change within the religions and worldviews being studied.
- Children will have the opportunity to acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice, this should include the ways in which it is unique and diverse.
- Teaching and learning will use an approach that engages with biblical text and theological ideas.
- Children will have the opportunities to learn about and from religion from a variety of resources.
- Children will have opportunities to explore their own response to profound human experiences and universal symbols.
- Children will be encouraged to respond freely to experiences and questions which have a profound or puzzling quality and to use a range of different forms of expression to convey their responses.
- ‘Big’ questions are asked where there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer.
- We follow the revised London Diocese Board for Schools (LDBS) scheme. This is taught If any parent is concerned over a particular topic, they are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Head teacher and or Subject Leader. These discussions are always handled sensitively.
Religious Education Curriculum
The big questions asked and and the religions covered are shared in the curriculum overview below.
The vocabulary we are learning and using in class can be seen in the document below.
Religious Education Vocabulary
Please see our Religious Education Policy here