Exploring 4 digit Numbers in Year 4
We are exploring 4 digit numbers in Maths. We broke them down and are now rounding them to different place values!...
We are exploring 4 digit numbers in Maths. We broke them down and are now rounding them to different place values!...
In Literacy Reception have been reading Ruby's Worry. We had a go at making happy potions at our malleable table. We worked together to pick, measure and write down the ingredients to make the perfect recipe....
In PSHE, we have been learning about rewards and consequences. We then created our own postcards to send home for when we have earned a reward. Hopefully you'll get to see a postcard home soon!...
In RE this week we have been thinking about the Christian creation story and considering how Christians believe we should look after God's creation. We thought about how toys come with instructions and God also gave instructions to Adam and Eve. We then acted out...
In nursery we are reading the story 'So Much'. We looked at the front cover and read the front page where someone knocks on the door. We all predicted who we thought it could be and then we all got to draw what we thought...
Year 3 have been learning about measurements in Maths. We all made estimation on the length of things in the classroom using cm and metres and then checked to see if our estimations were accurate....
In year 4 we worked in groups to explain what rounding is. We used our whiteboards to identify which multiples of 1000 come before and after the numbers 1321, 2815, 3400 and 8580 which helped us to create our own number sentences like the ones...
This week we worked as a team building a house for the preschool Dolls. We took turns stacking the blocks on top of one another until the house became really tall. We then used hammers to make sure everything was secure....
In our RE lessons this term we have been learning all about the Lord’s Prayer and what it means to Christians. This week we discussed what forgiveness means and thought about why and how we can forgive others. We wrote down our ideas in our...
In writing we have been learning about headings and subheadings. We did a non fiction jigsaw to match the headings and subheadings in the correct places....