In our science lesson this week, we were investigating the different properties of everyday materials....
In maths, we have been using cuisenaire rods to explore additive and multiplicative structures to help us find the most efficient and effective method for solving worded problems....
In preschool this week we was learning how to make play-dough and describing the textures we feel whilst making it. ...
Our first week in Nursery was so exciting! We got to know new friends and reunited with old ones. We explored our new indoor and outdoor environments, discovered different areas of our classroom and learnt about what they are for. We also enjoyed singing songs...
In our Art lesson we made Rainbow collages with tissue paper. We used scissors carefully and made sure we used a suitable amount of resources for the task. We also talked about our favourite part of the story, Ruby's Worry, when she becomes happy again...
We visited the Curve Garden for a one off gallery session in which our artworks are exhibited! The exhibition was called 'Wiggly worms and snazzy snails' and featured collage pieces relating to plants and mini beasts that live in the garden. We also took a...
In R.E, Year 3 sorted True/ False statements about the Bible. This enhanced the children's understanding about the Bible. We will build on this learning in future R.E lessons by observing the stories in the Bible....
We have been using Dienes to enhance our addition skills. The tens and ones helped us to understand partitioning two 2-digit numbers to add them together. This was also a useful reminder to us to add ones together before adding tens. We will build on...
We have been studying the book ‘Bea’s Bad Day’ by Tom Percival which explores the different emotions Bea feels when her expectations for her birthday are not met. We created our own artwork and identified how we might feel when our expectations are not met....