Investigating Perimeter in Year 4 Maths
We have been investigating perimeter. We were using pieces of wool to understand the importance of a unit of measure when measuring lengths....
We have been investigating perimeter. We were using pieces of wool to understand the importance of a unit of measure when measuring lengths....
We have been using figurative language to describe the characters in our class text 'Varjak Paws'. We explored the characters through drama and created a word bank of wow vocabulary. We understand that writers often use 'show me' sentences to express a character's feelings through...
We have been exploring inequality around the world in order to make information posters....
We have wasted no time getting started with our new book The Arrival by Shaun Tan. The book itself has no text only pictures. We looked at these to predict what the story might be about....
Walking, cycling or scooting to school helps to keep your family fit and active. It also helps to reduce your risk of coming into contact with someone who has COVID compared with catching a bus or train. When you arrive at school please remember to drop...
We enjoyed building our own bridges out of the wooden blocks and then driving cars over them. Vroom Vroom!...
We have been working as preschool chefs. We mixed lots of different ingredients together to create a delicious strawberry cake. Would you like a piece?...
We had a special visitor to round up our 'All about me topic'. We had a wonderful time learning about pets. We shared photos of our own pets, discussed our dream pets and researched how to look after a range of pets. We were gentle with...
We have been taking part in our Read Write Inc sessions and learning new sounds! We have met Fred, a special frog that only speaks in sounds and we have been helping him put them together to make words! We have learnt special rhymes to...
We have been using positional language and enhancing our spatial awareness skills in Reception this week. We learnt how to play our Little Red Riding Hood game in a group using a dice. We moved our counters around the board and followed the positional language...