Christmas Preparation in Baby Room!
This week the babies have been getting busy getting ready for Christmas. They used their hands to paint the Christmas tree and then decorated it with colourful pom poms and white cotton....
This week the babies have been getting busy getting ready for Christmas. They used their hands to paint the Christmas tree and then decorated it with colourful pom poms and white cotton....
In art, the children have been exploring primary colours and how these can be combined to create a wide range of new colours. This foundational understanding of colour mixing will be applied in an exciting project where the children will create their own cave inspired...
Reception have been immersing themselves in their new topic, ‘Journeys’. We have been focusing on the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy....
In PSHE this week, year 4 finished their PSHE topic by creating a Keynote presentation which presents all of their learning through this topic....
This week in Year 2 we have been building on our Year 1 learning about the Christian Nativity story. We have all taken on roles as a Biblical character and we are super excited to present the whole story, along with songs and dances, to...
This week we took part in an air pollution project with University College London, where we discussed sustainability and ways in which we can reduce our carbon emission....
We had a fantastic time during Family Friday last week! Here are some parents enjoying sharing learning with their children in the Nursery classroom....
This week in our collective worship with Reverend Laura, we were excited to light the first of the four advent candles, signifying that we are now in the season of anticipation of the birth of Christ. The first candle in the advent wreath is called...
This week in maths, we looked at ordinal numbers. We talked about how to classify positions in a race and in lines. Following this, we used our maths counting resources to role play races and discussed the ordinal numbering for each of the cars! The...
In the baby room we’re singing along to ‘Five Little Ducks’ as an adult role plays the ducks swimming in the water! SPLASH, SPLOSH!...