Character descriptions in Year 3
In English we have been looking at the stories of the 'BFG' by Roald Dahl and 'Planet Omar' by Zanib Mian. In one lesson we looked at descriptions and tried to match them with characters within the story....
In English we have been looking at the stories of the 'BFG' by Roald Dahl and 'Planet Omar' by Zanib Mian. In one lesson we looked at descriptions and tried to match them with characters within the story....
This term we are reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. In our first lesson we wrote about how the characters may have felt when they first saw the BFG. Just in case you didn't know BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant!!!...
We have made an excellent start to the new year! In English we are looking at the story 'FArTHER' by Grahame Baker Smith. We started off our topic by using expanded noun phrases to describe the characters within the story. We are starting to write...
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? In our first week back we have immersed ourselves into our writing text Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Using our drama skills, we acted out this tragic love story....
In our reading lessons we have been reading the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’. We explored the features of the poem such and rhyming couplets and worked together in groups to perform the poem to the class....
We have given our reading area a Va Va Voom! We love diving into a new book, discovering a new author and getting lost in a wonderful world of imagination....
Our mischievous elf Bobby is back for the festive period! We've been busy making lots of observations about where he has ventured to each day and what he has been up to. This time we noticed he was sitting in our book corner reading and he...
We have been reading Astro Girl in Reception. To immerse ourselves in the story, we have been creating spaceships using a range of creative materials and tools. This activity has helped us strengthen not only our fine motor skills but also our ability to learn...
We have been revisiting phase 1 in Phonics. We have been on some awesome sound walks and have been playing sound games. During this game we had to sing faster if we were close to our teddy bear or slower if we were getting further away....
We have been reading 'We completely must go to London'. We noticed that the illustrations in the story are made up with a range of drawings, photos and collages. We tried to recreated some London landmarks using similar techniques. [gallery ids="4062,4063,4064,4065"]...