Learning about Fractions in Year 4
This week we have been learning about fractions in maths. We modelled fractions ourselves and worked out the size of different fractions....
This week we have been learning about fractions in maths. We modelled fractions ourselves and worked out the size of different fractions....
In Maths we were learning about the difference between consecutive odd numbers and consecutive even numbers. We discovered that the difference between consecutive odd numbers is always 2 and consecutive even numbers is always 2. We used tens frames and unifix cubes to prove this....
In Maths, Year 6 have been looking at statistics. We began the week by learning how to read line graphs. We then put this to work and matched pictures of line graphs with their descriptions to make sure we understood what each graph was representing....
In our maths lessons, we've been delving into the world of angles. Children constructed angle checkers to assist them when finding and identifying acute, obtuse and right angles....
In their maths lessons this week, Year 2 have been exploring the links between multiplication and division. They have been finding out more efficient ways to find the quotient rather than sharing....
In Nursery we explored how an amount changes in quantity if something is added or taken away from it. We used farm animals to help us understand this concept....
In our mental maths sessions, we have been focusing on quick recall of subtraction facts. To make our learning more fun, we used our subtraction skills to battle Pokémon with our friends!...
In maths, we have been learning our 7 times tables. For our first lesson, we created a presentation using our 7x table facts and presented to the class....
In Year 4, we have been learning the divisibility rule for 2, 3 and 6. We used the manipulatives app to help us compare how many groups of 3 there are in one group of 9....
In Nursery, we continue exploring shapes. We learned some 3D shapes names and then we tried to describe them. Using our small world tray and 3D shapes, we then collaboratively built a city for our Naughty Bus (our core text)....