Volcano presentations in Year 4 Science
In Year 4, we have been learning about volcanoes. We created presentations about the different types found....
In Year 4, we have been learning about volcanoes. We created presentations about the different types found....
In RE this term we are learning about Christianity. In this lesson, we created presentations about the Liturgy and their different elements....
We have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute. We have been using an online Analogue clock and testing our talking partners on their knowledge of time....
In Maths, year 2 have been learning about money. We practised creating the same amounts in different ways....
Year 2 had a great time getting ready for Sports Day! They showed fantastic sportspersonship by cheering on their friends and even made some banners for the team colours! We are definitely ready for Sports Day now in Year 2!...
In Year 1 we had a long think about our favourite books that we have read from our classroom library this year. The children chose their favourite stories / non-fiction books and then proceeded to tell everyone why they liked it so much and what...
In Maths, we have been exploring maps. We drew maps of familiar routes and used our phonological awareness to write labels and short sentences. We then used our maps to retell our routes using positional language....
As part of our exploration of the story 'Billy's Bucket' we have been exploring sea animals and using our buckets to create music and sounds! We used our imagination to explore what we could see at the bottom of our buckets. We saw sting rays, jellyfish, hammer heads...
We enjoyed going on a treasure hunt in the garden. We had a check list with different objects that we had to find. Look, a blue ball!...
In PSED we recapped what friendship means and the feelings that can arise during transitions as we welcomed two new friends to our class....