Need a 3 & 4 Year Old Nursery place for September 2022?
We have a few spaces left for our age 3 and 4 Nursery in September 2022 Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
We have a few spaces left for our age 3 and 4 Nursery in September 2022 Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
We've been looking at the signs of Spring. In RE we've been exploring life cycles and had a go at completing the frog and butterfly life cycles. We know they start as eggs!...
Across all of our Early Years classes we are looking at ways to enhance our Home Corners and develop a Mud Kitchen Area to further support the development of communication and language. Research shows that childrens oral language develops when they can role play familiar situations and...
We've been reading 'What the Ladybird Heard' for our new topic 'Farm Animals' and have been playing some listening games to see if we can listen and repeat what our friends have said accurately. It can be harder than you think!...
We have been making some big changes to our learning environment. We have helped Miss Williams and Mrs Seda count furniture pieces and have been enjoying our relocated reading corner. It's so cosy!...
We have been celebrating Chinese New Year in our home corner with our annual Chinese restaurant. We've been busy developing our fine motor skills whilst using chopsticks to pick up rice and whilst writing down orders. We have also been exploring payment methods like we...
When the weather is as changeable as it is at the moment wellies can be a great way of getting to school either to dodge puddle or to jump and splash in them!! We have one request - please send shoes too as feet get...
In Nursery we've been recapping what it means to have or be the 'same'. We know that groups need to have the same quantity in order to be the same - we are becoming excellent mathematicians!...
We've been busy developing our gross motor skills with some of our new outdoor resources. All this sweeping can be very hard work!...
Happy New Year from Nursery Class! We celebrated our first day back in the new year with some photo-booth props and a banner. We shared some of the fun things we got up to during the Christmas break and recapped how we share and treat our classmates. Our...