Making beds for our animals in the Preschool Baby Room
In the Baby Room this week we have been focusing on the theme of animals. The children especially enjoyed making beds for the animals and putting them to sleep....
In the Baby Room this week we have been focusing on the theme of animals. The children especially enjoyed making beds for the animals and putting them to sleep....
In Nursery we started a new book, it is called “Lulu Plants a Garden”. We are using this book as the start of our journey learning about plants, flowers and gardening. After learning the different parts of a plant, we then printed flowers using our...
In the Nursery, we continued reading our story about spiders. We learned so much about them, that we decided to go on a Spider Hunt in our garden! We were equipped with magnifying glasses and little clipboards to draw the ones we found! It was...
In Nursery we started practicing our names. We tried identifying them on the cards first, next we had a go at tracing them and finally we tried to copy them on a line....
This week in Nursery we started exploring minibeasts, in particular spiders! We used our fine motor skills to mould our colourful playdough and create many different insects and creepy crawlies. We then added pipe cleaners for legs and googly eyes!...
In Nursery we learned about Easter. We discovered why we celebrate Easter and what happened to Jesus. We learned about Easter symbols and we watched new life coming out of eggs. We finally took part in an Easter egg hunt! It was a lot of...
In Nursery this week we explored and tasted the fruit that The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate in Eric Carle's story. We then tried to describe them using new and already known vocabulary....
We celebrated World Book Day in Nursery by reading the book ‘Room On the Broom’, making magic wands by cutting, tracing and gluing and finally by dressing up as our favourite book character. It was so much fun!...
In Nursery we explored how an amount changes in quantity if something is added or taken away from it. We used farm animals to help us understand this concept....
In Nursery, we started reading our new core text "What the Ladybird Heard" by Julia Donaldson. We learned new vocabulary about farm animals and we made ladybirds with our playdough!...