Achieving our dreams and goals in Year 1
We have been talking about our dreams and goals. We sat in a circle and discussed the steps we need to take to achieve our goals. Each time we thought of a step to get there we took a big step forward....
We have been talking about our dreams and goals. We sat in a circle and discussed the steps we need to take to achieve our goals. Each time we thought of a step to get there we took a big step forward....
On Tuesday, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with a pancake party! We cooked our own pancakes in the morning following our own instructions that we had written and then in the afternoon we got to eat them together and play party games!...
In year 5 we constructed different sized canopies for parachutes. We will be seeing how size affects the rate of descent during our science experiment next week....
We have been learning to read maps. Using the grid coordinates, we were able to find the four and six point grid references for different locations across London....
We've been reading 'What the Ladybird Heard' for our new topic 'Farm Animals' and have been playing some listening games to see if we can listen and repeat what our friends have said accurately. It can be harder than you think!...
We have practised our teamwork and cooperation skills in PSHE. We found it a tough challenge though as we had to make pictures of different things using only 2D shapes in under a minute! Can you guess what the pictures are that we have created?...
We have been learning about the suffragette movement in our history lessons, so we designed and made protest posters. We held a silent protest around the school. Here are our posters!...
We used drama to portray different emotions through body language. We will use it to help write our diary entries later this week....
We have been looking at our new topic story of ‘Snow’, so we thought it would be a great idea to create a snow farm for the preschool animals. We enjoyed sprinkling, squashing and rolling the snow!...
As part of our learning in Expressive Arts and Design we have been exploring ways to change some of our favourite songs and rhymes! First we shared and named lots of them, then we had a go at changing some words in the song! Some...