Setting goals and discussing aspirations in Year 5
In PSHE, we discussed our goals and aspirations for year 5. On the red card we wrote down our learning goals and on the green card we wrote our own personal goals. ...
In PSHE, we discussed our goals and aspirations for year 5. On the red card we wrote down our learning goals and on the green card we wrote our own personal goals. ...
In PSED we recapped what friendship means and the feelings that can arise during transitions as we welcomed two new friends to our class....
In PHSE we had some Year 6 children help us to think about what we could do when we were younger....
In PSHE we have been learning about how humans and other animals change as they grow. Some get taller, some change colour and some change shape completely! Here we played a matching game with young and fully developed animals....
Our JRSO’s taught our Nursery and Reception children about Road Safety. They prepared a presentation to teach the children how to cross roads safely using ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think’. As we know lots of children like to scoot or ride bikes to school, the...
In PSHE, we were learning about grief and loss. We read a story about a little boy named Elfie who lost his dog. In groups we came up with songs/raps to help him deal with his loss....
In Writing, we have been practising the skill of Instruction writing using bossy verbs. Our focus text is Jack and the Beanstalk and this week we wrote instructions for how to make a bean salad. Naturally we started off by making a yummy bean salad...
Our PSHE topic was: Are animals special? We worked in groups to come up with the pros and cons of following a vegetarian diet and chose a spokesperson to present our debate to the class!...
During our PSHE session, we have be discussing people who are important to us. Have a look at who we think are important....
In PSHE, We are learning about relationships. In this lesson we wrote the names of our friends and family on a relationship web....