Numbers in Reception
We have been looking closely at the numbers 4 and 5. We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and then we worked together to put the pigs and the wolf inside the house. We noticed that when all of the characters are inside...
We have been looking closely at the numbers 4 and 5. We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and then we worked together to put the pigs and the wolf inside the house. We noticed that when all of the characters are inside...
We have been exploring counting forwards and backwards. We used our class friend the Octopus to help us climb up the staircase we built as we counted forwards. We then climbed down the staircase and counted backwards. We used our counting skills to help play...
The children have settled into their new classrooms very well. They have been utilising their classrooms and the outdoor learning environment to play and learn together. In this picture, the children worked with each other to build an intricate water tunnel which helped enhance their...
As you may know, the Government has asked schools to open up for all children from September 2020. We understand that for some, this will be a welcome relief, for others it may cause huge anxiety and for mostofus,somethinginbetween. Wehavebeenworkinghardasastaffteamtoproducedetailedplans and risk assessments for the...
We have already sent this out by email but in case you have missed it, here it is again. We are so excited that your child is going to be joining us in Reception at Holy Trinity CE Primary School in September 2020. We have a welcome...
We are pleased to announce that we will be running a Summer Play scheme for children aged 3 & 4 years old. To book your space please follow this link. ...
Check out our latest school newsletter to find out what we have been up to, dates for future events and additional important information. 24.01.20 Newsletter ...
If your child loves gaming, there’s a chance you’ve heard of Fortnite. Fortnite offers a range of parental controls to help you control what a player can see and do within the game. In addition to the controls within Fortnite, there are additional controls available...
Give your child a guiding hand as they start their digital journey online with practical tips to help them build up their understanding of the online world and create a safe space for them to explore. Practical tips for parents of 6 – 10 year olds Practical...