Rocket Building in Reception!
The children in Reception have been enjoying learning about 'Journeys' and enjoyed building rockets so that they could go on some imaginary journeys of their own!...
The children in Reception have been enjoying learning about 'Journeys' and enjoyed building rockets so that they could go on some imaginary journeys of their own!...
Reception have been enjoying their phonics lessons this week! Here they are learning about the sound made by the letter h and how to write the letter correctly!...
Reception have been immersing themselves in their new topic, ‘Journeys’. We have been focusing on the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy....
Reception class enjoyed retelling the story of 'The Three Little Pigs’ using role play!...
Reception have enjoyed building tall towers with Duplo this week, reinforcing the language of height while they have built 'tall', 'taller' and 'tallest' towers!...
This week, the children practised drawing patterns. The patterns were a ‘disguise’ for Biscuit Bear. The class loved mark making and sharing the experience together....
This week in Reception, we have been studying the book 'Biscuit Bear' by Mini Grey. We have been practising roles during our play in the Toy Hospital; the children particularly loved using the stethoscopes! For our mark making, we focus on the features of a...
In Nursery and Reception this week we had an amazing time at our Sports Day. We enjoyed jumping over obstacles, taking part in sack races, running the egg & spoon race and throwing the bean bags. We loved having our parents and carers there to...
Reception have been using blocks to make odd and even numbers. We can see that even numbers are in pairs and odd numbers do not have a partner....
A day before Pyjamas Day, we decided to have a sneak peek of some of the stories we will be reading on the day. We took part in Ed Vere's Special 'draw-along'. Ed Vere has written some amazing children's books. 'Bedtime For Monsters' is one...