Raisin dance investigation in Year 4
In Science we have been investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We used raisins to make them 'dance' as the gas in the fizzy water made the solid move with the bubbles....
In Science we have been investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We used raisins to make them 'dance' as the gas in the fizzy water made the solid move with the bubbles....
This half term we are looking at 'changes of matter 'in Science. We did an experiment to see if the weight of ice changes when it melts to water. Ask us what the results were!...
We took part in a science STEM workshop with Cambridge University students. We learned all about the periodic table and atoms! We also created our own artwork based on atoms!...
Across the world, tigers are endangered. As part of our latest persuasive writing unit, we have written letters to convince poachers to stop hunting tigers and given alternative solutions to earning money. Have a look at Anaiah’s fantastic letter!...
As part of our Science focus on plants we have been using the skill of close observation. Whilst at the Curve Garden this week we studied leaves and noticed what was similar and different about them. There is such a great variety of shapes, sizes...
We have been reading a fantastic new story called 'Yucky Worms'. The book has given us lots of wonderful worm facts and has inspired us in Science to undertake our very own scientific investigations. In this picture, we are testing our theory that worms prefer...
In Science, we've been busy planting some seeds just like Lulu. We wonder how our mini garden will grow!...
Nursery have been learning about the different parts of a plant. We are so excited to plant our own seeds next week!...
We have been working on sharing our thoughts, ideas and opinions in Reception through our new topic of minibeasts! We have been using full sentences to explain whether we like, or don't like worms, and have explained reasons why. We used our Makaton signs of...
We have been looking at one of our main science skills “observing over time”. We planted sunflower seeds 2 weeks ago and we put each pot in different conditions to test to see what conditions plants can survive in. One pot had no light, one...