Year 1 and the wildlife at the Dalston Curve Garden
We had a wonderful first session at the Curve Garden, exploring nature and making wildlife collages. We were even visited by a fox!...
We had a wonderful first session at the Curve Garden, exploring nature and making wildlife collages. We were even visited by a fox!...
Last week we went on a Reception Trip to Haggerston Park. We walked to the train station, observed the trains and then went on one to Hoxton Station. Then we carefully walked with our partner to the park. We were so amazed with how big...
We have been building our team skills in the water tray area! We have worked together to create a long water track, explored ways to make sea animals and ducks go faster and some creative ways to catch them too! We shared, took turns and...
This week we said goodbye to our amazing butterflies. At first they were very reluctant to leave, but made their way on to our bushes when guided. We will miss them so much and have had so much fun learning about their life cycle! ...
Preschool enjoyed rolling vehicles down the wooden ramp whilst the sun was shining. On your marks, get set, GO! ...
In science we have been classifying animals based on their diets. We learnt the terms carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. Please ask us what these words mean!...
Our caterpillars in Nursery are no longer fat caterpillars in their cocoons! We had 3/5 beautiful butterflies emerge this week and fed them for the first time. We went with orange pieces and had to make sure we cut small slits so they could drink...
This week our topic story is ‘Planting A Rainbow'. We have been planting seeds and exploring the different insects in the soil. Spring have arrive!...
As part of our celebration of British Science Week 2022 we tested the hypothesis 'The taller you are, the further you can jump.' In our class, we found that this was the case. We are excited to hear the results from the rest of the...
As it it is science week, we have planted some Sunflower seeds. We are looking forward to see how they grow!...