Sorting Sources of Light, Science in Year 3
In our Science lessons this term we are learning about Light. Children have been looking at different objects and working in pairs to establish whether those objects are a source of light or not....
In our Science lessons this term we are learning about Light. Children have been looking at different objects and working in pairs to establish whether those objects are a source of light or not....
In Science, we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We grouped all the animals we could think of into categories....
In our Science lesson we started out new topic ‘Living things and their habitats ‘. We learnt about the ways in which we can decide if something is alive, never alive or dead. We sorted lots of things into categories within our groups....
In Reception we have been exploring winter and Arctic Animals. We are learning about different animals we might find and the temperature of the environment they can be found in. This week we went on a winter walk and discussed what we could see and...
In our RE topic this term, we are exploring the big question 'Where is the light of Christmas?'. We learnt all about Christingles and their meaning. We made our very own Christingle to take home....
We have continued with our space topic. We have been learning new Makaton signs for 'space, astronaut, moon, gravity and star'. We also made delicious cookies....
In Gardening club, we looked at how plants drink water. We used celery and flowers with food colouring in the water to show how plants drink up water and spread the water through the stem, leaves and flowers....
We learnt about the human digestive system in Science. We then answered some questions about the topic on our classroom display....
In Science, we created art to represent the changing Seasons. We labelled our trees with key words like blossom and snow....
In gardening club, we planted some spring flowering bulbs in pots for outside our classrooms. We enjoyed this so much that we are going to be finding some even bigger pots so that every class can enjoy spring flowers....