Autumn artwork in the Preschool Two Year Old Room
Our preschool learned about acorns growing in Autumn! We decorated acorn cutouts with the colours we saw outside to hang around the classroom!...
Our preschool learned about acorns growing in Autumn! We decorated acorn cutouts with the colours we saw outside to hang around the classroom!...
Getting ready for winter by taking a sleigh ride across the classroom! We covered the inside with our favorite comfy pillows and quilts, and took turns taking a drive!...
[gallery ids="7840,7839,7838,7837,7836,7835"] We have been reading 'Lulu gets a Cat' and learning about pets. We were so excited today because we had a special visitor, 'Dolly'. Joshua kindly brought his new puppy in for us to meet. We asked Joshua lots of questions to find out...
We enjoyed making each other laugh and having fun in our class teepee! ...
The story we have been exploring is ‘Baby Goes To Market’. We decided to give the babies a bath after their busy day of fun. We used soap, sponges, and toothbrushes for their teeth....
We had lots of fun exploring different animals in our messy tray filled with shredded paper....
As part of our settling in phase, we have been exploring each area in our classroom and ways to safely use it. We have been reading stories and singing nursery rhymes in our reading corner....
This week, Reception have been settling into our new learning environment. We have had a blast reconnecting with our friends and exploring our new space and materials!...
Nursery had a fantastic time on their end of year Teddy Bear Picnic at Stonebridge Gardens. In the morning we had 'show and tell' to share what toys we had brought along. Then we enjoyed a lovely picnic over at the park before playing in the...
In our communication and language sessions we have been learning about summer and the beach whilst having a paddle to keep cool on a hot day. Have you been to the beach lately? ...