Measuring length and height in Year 1 Maths
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about measuring length and height. We used non-standard measures to begin with. Here we are measuring some of our reading books using Unifix cubes....
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about measuring length and height. We used non-standard measures to begin with. Here we are measuring some of our reading books using Unifix cubes....
In 1H we have been learning about how to create collages. We have experimented with various ways of cutting, sticking and tearing papers. Today we created a texture collage on top of a photograph of the Curve Garden. We thought about whether the real life...
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to identify both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Some of the activities have included finding everyday objects in the classroom and outdoor learning environment, and recognising the mathematical names for each shape. Furthermore, we have discussed the properties of...
In Science, we undertook an investigation to see whether or not people with longer feet have larger hand spans. Firstly, we made predictions about what results we might find out. Then, we went off into groups and measured our feet and hands using cubes as...
In PSHE, Year 1H have been thinking about how to stay healthy and safe. We talked about how it feels to be ill and how other people might care for us. We then create role plays and filmed them using the iMovie app. Our friends...
In our Spanish lesson, year 1 learnt how to sing happy birthday to one of our friends. We also practised identifying colours and saying whether or not we liked to eat particular foods. Finally, we learnt the Spanish words for monkeys and frogs....
In Computing we have been thinking about data sets and how information can be grouped. We found out that labels are used to help us group objects which are similar. This happens in real life and online!...
In Maths, we have been learning to count efficiently in 5s. Firstly we learnt how to count orally in 5s. We paid close attention to the rhythm of the count and noticed a pattern as we moved past 20. Afterwards, we looked at counting in...
In Spanish this week 1H have been talking about their likes and dislikes using 'me gusta' and 'no me gusta.' We learnt a silly song about delicious and disgusting food combinations to help us remember these new phrases!...
In Science we have been practising the skill of classifying. We talked about how different animals have different diets and used the terms herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore to describe them....