Learning our 5 times tables in Year 2
In maths, year 2 have been putting their knowledge of 5 times table to the test. We have used our multiplication skills to learn about 5 minute intervals on the clock....
In maths, year 2 have been putting their knowledge of 5 times table to the test. We have used our multiplication skills to learn about 5 minute intervals on the clock....
Dragons spotted in America! We started our writing topic based on the book ‘Tell me a dragon’ by Jackie Morris by imagining there were sightings of dragons in America. To entice the dragons back where they belong we designed and created a dragon world together...
In Art this week, we have started our new topic of printing. We were inspired by Orla Kiely and Hana Getachew and have practiced our repeating patterns using different materials. We will display our final masterpieces in our classrooms and along our corridor....
In Geography this week, we have completed our learning on our topic of Kenya. We have been answering the question what are the differences between Kenya and the UK?...
Snow in December! We were very excited to see the snow this week and had lots of fun playing together! We have also been observing the changes in the snow as it has turned from soft snow to ice....
[gallery ids="8544,8543,8542,8541,8540,8539,8538,8536,8537,8535,8534,8533,8532,8531,8530"]...
In mathematics to begin our unit of learning on multiplication and division we have been exploring the difference between equal and unequal groups and thinking about the vocabulary we can use when explaining our thinking. We have also be...
Year 2 went on an exciting school trip to the Sea-life Aquarium. We had such a great time looking at different aquatic animals and learning about them. We also enjoyed seeing the view looking over to Big Ben in one direction and the London Eye...
In writing, we have been looking at our new focus story, Mog’s Christmas Calamity. In on of our writing lessons, we created freeze frames of different parts of the story to create a story plan for our big write lesson. Can you tell what’s happening...
In Art this week, we have been creating Christmas crafts. Here you can see us create beautiful depictions of Mary and Joseph travelling from Nazareth to Bethlehem....