Rewards and Consequences in Year 2
In PSHE, we have been learning about rewards and consequences. We then created our own postcards to send home for when we have earned a reward. Hopefully you'll get to see a postcard home soon!...
In PSHE, we have been learning about rewards and consequences. We then created our own postcards to send home for when we have earned a reward. Hopefully you'll get to see a postcard home soon!...
In our RE lessons this term we have been learning all about the Lord’s Prayer and what it means to Christians. This week we discussed what forgiveness means and thought about why and how we can forgive others. We wrote down our ideas in our...
In Science we have been testing different materials. We explored our enquiry question "what material would make a suitable raincoat?". We tested each material's flexibility, water resistance and opacity....
In our Science learning this half term we have been exploring materials. This week we were investigating the suitability of different materials for a rain coat. We thought about lots of different factors including whether the material was waterproof or not....
In PSHE, we have been thinking about our worries and wishes for the year ahead. We have spoken about how to deal with worries and when is the right time to share them. Our wishes for the year ahead include; improving our handwriting, going on...
In History we have been learning about timelines. We thought about what it means to be a significant person in history and learnt about our significant person Walter Tull....
We have been practicing our Art skills. We have been shading and creating tone with different types of pencils. We have also learnt about different techniques that we can use with oil pastels which has really brightened up our new sketch books! Our work will...
In Geography this week, we have been comparing what we have learnt about the Caribbean to what we know about the United Kingdom. We have considered human and physical features as well as food and culture....
In PSHE this week, we have been looking forward to the future. We have talked about how we are feeling for next year and the transition going into year 3. We are all excited about moving up another year and we are ready for the...
In writing this week we are writing our own alternative traditional tale. We have thought about the traditional tales that we already know and what exciting twists they could have. We made a plan and shared it with our friends before writing our amazing stories!...