Making electrical circuits in Year 4 Science
In science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson, we constructed our own circuits that we will use for our experiment next week!...
In science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson, we constructed our own circuits that we will use for our experiment next week!...
In writing we are writing play scripts based on tales of Anansi the Spider. Here we are putting on a show based on the book Tiger Soup....
This week in PSHE, we had a discussion about the different friendship groups we have formed, how we fit into them and the friends we value the most and why. Our activity was to created friendship group concircles....
In Geography we started exploring the Caribbean. We identified countries using maps and started to learn all about the culture of St Lucia....
Our focus this term in Art is textiles. In this lesson, we were learning how to sew. We were practising how to do 2 different stitches: back and running stitching...
In 4T we have been creating pencil cases using applique and embroidery. Here we are researching varying patterns on different textiles....
In Year 4 in Science, we have been learning about animal classification. We did an interactive quiz to consolidate our learning....
In Writing, we were exploring the use of fronted adverbials to help us write letters from the perspective of Nelson Mandela....
In PSHE , we were given different scenarios to act out in groups. We had to show how we could overcome disappointment and how we could remain hopeful despite life’s challenges....
In 4T we published our balanced arguments by recording them as speeches. We used formal language and formal tone. You could’ve mistaken us for newsreaders!...