Setting Goals in Year 5
We have set goals for our year in Year 5. This week some of us stayed at school while others spent 2 nights at Ufton Court!...
We have set goals for our year in Year 5. This week some of us stayed at school while others spent 2 nights at Ufton Court!...
We have elected our school council members and they are now on show for everyone to see so we know who is representing us....
We used special equipment to create a spark to make a flame, we then added this to our fire. [gallery ids="3540,3539,3538,3537,3536,3535,3534"]...
In the evening we warmed up around the camp fire. [gallery ids="3531,3530,3529,3528,3527"]...
We are off to have a go on the low ropes course, some of us look more nervous than others! [gallery ids="3448,3449,3450,3451,3453,3454,3455,3456,3457,3458"]...
We got off nice and early, with everyone arriving on time. We arrived safe and sound and started activities once we made our beds. [gallery ids="3439,3440,3441,3442,3443,3445"]...
As you may know, the Government has asked schools to open up for all children from September 2020. We understand that for some, this will be a welcome relief, for others it may cause huge anxiety and for mostofus,somethinginbetween. Wehavebeenworkinghardasastaffteamtoproducedetailedplans and risk assessments for the...
OPEN EVENTS at Hackney Secondary Schools for Year 5 Children and Parents Hackney Secondary Schools have a series of open mornings and evenings which are intended for students who will transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2021. Hackney Secondary School Open Events ...