Ufton Court – here we come!
We got off nice and early, with everyone arriving on time. We arrived safe and sound and started activities once we made our beds. [gallery ids="3439,3440,3441,3442,3443,3445"]...
We got off nice and early, with everyone arriving on time. We arrived safe and sound and started activities once we made our beds. [gallery ids="3439,3440,3441,3442,3443,3445"]...
As you may know, the Government has asked schools to open up for all children from September 2020. We understand that for some, this will be a welcome relief, for others it may cause huge anxiety and for mostofus,somethinginbetween. Wehavebeenworkinghardasastaffteamtoproducedetailedplans and risk assessments for the...
OPEN EVENTS at Hackney Secondary Schools for Year 5 Children and Parents Hackney Secondary Schools have a series of open mornings and evenings which are intended for students who will transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2021. Hackney Secondary School Open Events ...
We have already sent this out by email but in case you have missed it, here it is again. We are so excited that your child is going to be joining us in Reception at Holy Trinity CE Primary School in September 2020. We have a welcome...
We are pleased to announce that we will be running a Summer Play scheme for children aged 3 & 4 years old. To book your space please follow this link. ...
Dear Parents and Carers, To support the distance learning that is continuing to take place at home, we have purchased Science workbooks for all children in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. If you are choosing to keep your child at home or if they have...
We are informing parents and carers that the Year 5 trip to the British Museum on Tuesday 24th March 2020 is now cancelled....
Check out our latest school newsletter to find out what we have been up to, dates for future events and additional important information. 24.01.20 Newsletter ...