Recapping the human and physical features of a country in Geography with Year 6
As part of our new geography unit, year 6 recapped human and physical features of a country. Can you find any for the UK?...
As part of our new geography unit, year 6 recapped human and physical features of a country. Can you find any for the UK?...
In PHSE we had some Year 6 children help us to think about what we could do when we were younger....
As part of our persuasive writing unit we have created posters to persuade you to take up our favourite hobbies. Remi wants you to consider gaming!...
On Thursday 25th May, some of our Year 5/6 children represented our school at a Regional NFL Flag tournament. Amazingly, the children have learnt all of the rules ( there are many!) for this game in a really short time period and worked tremendously hard...
Year 6 visited Natural History Museum. We had a workshop learning all about Evolution....
In music we combined music and poetry to perform The Tyger by William Blake....
This week, Year 6 completed their SATs assessments. They have worked extremely hard and the staff are so proud of their efforts. We would like to thank all parents and carers for your help and support over the year so far....
During our PSHE session, we have be discussing people who are important to us. Have a look at who we think are important....
As part of our biography unit in Writing, we have been learning and researching about Martin Luther King. Fun fact - his real name was actually Michael!...
In music, we learnt about Country and Western Music from USA. Also, learnt a new beat called Tiki Tiki Taka....