Editing our writing in Year 2
We have been practising our editing skills by working together to look at an example of somebody’s writing and looking for mistakes to correct. We then edited our own writing and gave ourselves a writing target....
We have been practising our editing skills by working together to look at an example of somebody’s writing and looking for mistakes to correct. We then edited our own writing and gave ourselves a writing target....
We have finished our history topic on the Tudors. We reflected on our learning this week by creating a comic book strip on what we would do if we were Tudors for a day. We realised we had learnt so much this half term so...
We have been solving missing number problems in our maths lessons. We have been rearranging the number sentences and also writing the inverse to check our answers!...
This term we have been learning about The Suffragettes in History. We have also been writing letters in the perspective of Emmeline Pankhurst. “Deeds Not Words!”...
In writing we have been writing a balanced argument discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living the Ashram of peaceful and sustainable living....
In Maths we have become fraction experts. We have been learning about equivalent fractions, improper fractions, adding and subtracting fractions. Here are some examples of Mikel and Marilyn's fantastic work!...
We have been identifying different parts of eggs in order to explore the life cycles of birds....
Goodbye Mr Hoole In year 6, this week, we say goodbye to Mr Hoole. Mr Hoole has been supporting learning while he trains to be a teacher. We wish him all the best in the rest of his studies and in his future career....
Please ensure that you take time to check your parent pay account to clear all monies owed. The money owed is for school events, lunches, wraparound care and cannot be carried by the school. If you feel that you are in a tricky position with...
We are looking to arrange musical instrument lessons and dance lessons in the school. We have a professional music teacher and a professional dance teacher to lead these lessons. We want to know if parents would be interested in their children attended classes after school....