Making number sentences in Maths in Reception
In our Maths sessions, we have been practicing using numerals and symbols to make number sentences....
In our Maths sessions, we have been practicing using numerals and symbols to make number sentences....
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
We have been practising our large gross motor yoga moves. We stretched out and created different yoga poses that resembled jungle animals....
We continued learning about the different animals in our oceans! We decorated sparkly jellyfish to hang in our undersea cave!...
From the 16th to the 20th of May, we will be participating in National Walk 2 School Week! Please encourage your children to walk to school to promote Healthy Lifestyle which helps to reduce pollution. Here are some posters our Junior Road Safety Officers have...
In Science, Year 5 began our new topic ‘Earth and Space’. We used globes and torches to investigate why some parts of the Earth have night time whilst others have daylight....
During our PSHE session, we have be discussing people who are important to us. Have a look at who we think are important....
In Year 4 we’ve been looking at the relationships between parts and wholes. We’ve been looking at how equal parts relate to fractions....
In RE this term, we are learning about Hinduism. In this lesson, we formed a class debate on whether Hindu’s can follow Ahimsa (a non-violent way of life) if they eat meat....
We have begun our new History topic, Ancient Egypt. We learnt about parts of Ancient Egyptian culture and then wrote our names using hieroglyphics....