Preschool – Under Two’s Room – Learning about our families
This week in our Communication and language session, we talked about our families and drew pictures of them....
This week in our Communication and language session, we talked about our families and drew pictures of them....
Nursery had a fantastic time on their end of year Teddy Bear Picnic at Stonebridge Gardens. In the morning we had 'show and tell' to share what toys we had brought along. Then we enjoyed a lovely picnic over at the park before playing in the...
In our Writing lesson this week we took a virtual flight to Peru. We packed our suitcases, got our passports stamped and boarded the plane where the pilot greeted us in both Spanish and English. Our plane did a loop the loop which was very...
In Writing we are writing information text about Peru. Today we worked on our note taking skills to collect facts to use in our writing....
In Geography this week, we have been comparing what we have learnt about the Caribbean to what we know about the United Kingdom. We have considered human and physical features as well as food and culture....
This week in our Art lessons we have been continuing our rainforest theme. Today the children were given free choice of materials to create their own interpretation of a John Dyer piece....
This week in RE we were learning about how Jesus is like a vine. We then wrote about how people can stay connected to God and others on leaves for the classroom display....
In our Writing lessons we took part in a debate about whether iPads should be banned in schools. We wrote a list with our own reasons for iPads and against them. We then came up in pairs, voicing our opinions to the whole class!...
This week in our physical and social development session, we took turns using different bottles and cups to transfer glitter water into containers. This helped us to improve our sharing, eye coordination and fine motor skills. It also kept us really cool!...
In the Baby Room, we have been developing our motor skills. The sun is out and so is the water play! We are loving learning how to splash, pick up objects and interact with our friends. We even used our sense of taste to try...