World Book Day Family Thursday in Year 1
Year 1 had lots of fun during their World Book Day Family Thursday and enjoyed reading with parents and carers!...
Year 1 had lots of fun during their World Book Day Family Thursday and enjoyed reading with parents and carers!...
We had a fantastic time on Thursday during World Book Day. After our Family Thursday, we had a fun World Book Day Assembly, where children found out which class members had won the competition for best costumes, then guessed who the (staff) 'Masked Readers' were,...
We use Read Write Inc Phonics at Holy Trinity Primary School. Find out more about Read Write Inc Phonics - and how you can support your child with phonics - here: Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics - Oxford Owl...
Year 4 enjoyed a fascinating trip to The British Library this week, as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Did you know that The British Library is the second largest library in the world and holds over 170 million items?!...
Year 2 enjoyed a fascinating trip to The British Library this week, as part of our World Book Day celebrations....
We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with some lovely and delicious pancakes, which were made by our teachers. They tasted delicious with strawberries and bananas....
This week in Nursery, we continued reading What the Ladybird Heard and deepened our understanding of farms and their importance. We discovered that many of our favourite foods come from farms and learned which animals produce different products! We also went on a Spring Hunt to find the early...
This week in Reception, we’ve been focusing on the composition of number 7. In phonics, we’ve focused on blending sounds together. We’ve celebrated both Pancake Day and World Book Day!...
Year 1 enjoyed visiting Miss Mather's Bookshop at Holy Trinity on Thursday. Here they are choosing books to buy with their World Book Day book tokens....
In Spanish this week we learned two new phrases: ‘El pez nada,’ meaning 'The fish swims' and ‘El cangrejo chasquea sus pinzas,’ meaning 'The crab snaps its claws.' We sang a song with actions and matched the images to the sentences....