Watercolour painting in art in Year 3
This week we were learning how to use watercolours to paint a rainforest background. We used our sketched pictures of a toucan and added a watercolour background to further test our creativity....
This week we were learning how to use watercolours to paint a rainforest background. We used our sketched pictures of a toucan and added a watercolour background to further test our creativity....
We have been practicing our Art and Expressive Design and Fine Motor skills this week by using different shapes to explore the prints they make. We also looked at the 3 primary colours and how to make purple....
As part of our learning in Expressive Arts and Design, and Personal, Social and Emotional Learning, we have been exploring ways to be creative and problem solve! We have thinking about different ways to play and use objects, such a box or a stick! We...
In Mathematics this week, we have been learning to use the mathematical skills we have garnered over the course of the year to solve problems. In this picture, the children used the 'Plan, Do, Review' approach to first draw their construction ideas and then use...
In Art, we have been looking at Caribbean art and have created our own using SketchesSchool. We love the bright colours and relaxing landscapes!...
In our Art lessons, we were focusing on our sketching skills. We followed a tutorial to learn how to sketch a toucan. Next week, we will move onto shading and colouring. We all really enjoyed this calming activity especially whilst the weather is so warm!...
We took part in a science STEM workshop with Cambridge University students. We learned all about the periodic table and atoms! We also created our own artwork based on atoms!...
This week during our trip to the Curve Garden, we were printing with okra and creating wonderful pieces of art. We talked about the best way to apply the paint to the okra to get the desired pattern and how much pressure to apply....
In art this week, we have been creating our own versions of traditional Caribbean art as we are learning about the Caribbean islands in our geography lessons. We noticed that traditional Caribbean art is very vibrant and shows what island life is like....
In writing, we have started to explore a new book - Anansi the Spider which is an African folktale. In order to fully immerse ourselves into the tale, we created our own Anansi inspired art!...