Bollywood dancing with author Puneet Bhandal in Year 3
For World Book Week, we went to the library to listen to Puneet Bhandal talk about her new book ‘Starlet Rivals’. We then did some Bollywood dancing with her....
For World Book Week, we went to the library to listen to Puneet Bhandal talk about her new book ‘Starlet Rivals’. We then did some Bollywood dancing with her....
This week we took part in some Drama. We learnt to move our bodies like clowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers and magicians. We had lots of fun. As world book day is approaching we have been spending lots of time in our book corner and reading poems....
Preschool enjoyed dressing up as different characters for World Book Day. Watch out, there’s a lion about!...
In Writing, we were immersing ourselves into our new book, The BFG. We talked about how characters can look one way on the outside but on the inside be different to what we expected. Here we are matching appearance descriptions to the personality we would...
Dragons spotted in America! We started our writing topic based on the book ‘Tell me a dragon’ by Jackie Morris by imagining there were sightings of dragons in America. To entice the dragons back where they belong we designed and created a dragon world together...
In Nursery, as part of our exploration of the story 'The Snowy Day', we have been exploring ice and snow! We used our senses of sight, smell and touch to explore what the ice looks, smells and feels like. We learnt that ice melts when...
In Nursery, we are reading, ‘Everywhere bear’. We all decided to make our very own bears out of paper plates. If you see a bear lurking, then don’t be scared, as all our Nursery bears are very friendly....
In Writing this week we have started a new story called “Meerkat Mail”. We will be using this book as a starting point to writing our own journey stories. We will write journey stories based on our own ideas of a journey we would like...
Twice a week our teacher reads us a story and then we get to draw pictures on a big sheet of paper to represent the story. We love drawing all together, so much....
In Reading this week, we have been practicing our "storyteller voices". We have been sharing stories with each other so that we can practice reading with intonation in our voices, making what we are reading really engaging with our audience....