Exploring how to live the Ashram way of life in Year 4
In writing we have been writing a balanced argument discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living the Ashram of peaceful and sustainable living....
In writing we have been writing a balanced argument discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living the Ashram of peaceful and sustainable living....
We published our magnificent newspaper reports about waste found in the Ashram village based on our topic book 'Be the Change'. We explored formal language, wrote two sections of the report based on a plan and worked with our partners to edit and improve our...
This half term we have been learning all about the Civil Rights movement. We learnt all about Martin Luther King and wrote poems based on his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech....
We have been using our creativity and imagination in Reception to use junk modelling to create and extend our ideas. We have been connecting our knowledge to Winter in our play and are continuing to develop as wonderful writers as we are using our Phonics...
We were so lucky to be invited to an online poetry workshop through Scholastic! We joined in fantastically and even got to create an acrostic poem about ourselves or something else we love!...
We have been unpicking the features in newspaper articles to help us write our own news articles based on the book ‘Be the Change’ A Grandfather Gandhi story. We created a colour key and found he features in articles about sustainability....
We have explored a range of newspaper articles to prepare us for writing our own based on our topic book 'Be the Change'. Our articles will be about finding waste around the Ashram Village which is a terrible crime as one of the vows the...
We used drama to portray different emotions through body language. We will use it to help write our diary entries later this week....
We have come to the end of our Romeo and Juliet topic in writing. Have a look at the fantastic newspaper report written by Evan....
We have been working together to edit our amazing journey stories based on the book 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett. We used our editing pens to add in missing punctuation and correct misspelt words....