Writing play scripts in Year 3
In our writing we have been learning about play scripts, using dialogue, directions and play scripts punctuation....
In our writing we have been learning about play scripts, using dialogue, directions and play scripts punctuation....
In Literacy, Reception have been writing letters to Santa and went to post them on Friday morning. We discussed that whilst we may ask for things, we may not always get them straight away or at all. We also discuss the importance of gratitude and...
In Writing we have been focusing on the picture fiction text 'The Hackney Martian.' With the help of a story map we have been making up our own version of the tale. We have used big bold actions and loud proud voices to get really...
In writing, we have been looking at our new focus story, Mog’s Christmas Calamity. In on of our writing lessons, we created freeze frames of different parts of the story to create a story plan for our big write lesson. Can you tell what’s happening...
In Writing this week, we have been learning all about the wonderful city of London. We have been discussing and writing about famous landmarks in London. In this picture the children worked together to recreate Big Ben and then we thought about different adjectives we...
Our Geography focus this term is our very own city; London! In Writing we were excited to learn about the range of jobs that people do in London. We then learnt about the question mark and how it is used to ask at the ending...
In writing, we worked in groups and used our iPads to research information on rivers. This helped us to prepare us for writing our own information text....
In Writing this week we have started a new story called “Meerkat Mail”. We will be using this book as a starting point to writing our own journey stories. We will write journey stories based on our own ideas of a journey we would like...
In Writing, we are writing an information text about the big book of beasts. We identified the features and purpose of features in informational texts. Ask us what parenthesis is and why we use it!...
In Writing this week, Year 2 have started a new writing cycle based around the story “Tadpole’s Promise”. To help us to understand the story better, we refreshed our knowledge of frog and butterfly life cycles. We then drew the different stages of these animals’...