Christmas Lunch was DELICIOUS!
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We made play dough people. We spoke about our facial features and decided to use different materials to create our faces. Our favourite part was squashing the eyes down deep into the play dough. ...
We had lots of fun exploring different animals in our messy tray filled with shredded paper....
We have continued exploring our new learning environment. We have been thinking about how we can be ready, respectful and safe whilst visiting the book corner. We love reading especially to our lovely reading buddies!...
Reception have been busy using their imaginations to create new things using junk modelling materials in expressive arts and design. We also read 'It's Not a Box' for some inspiration....
This half term we are looking at 'changes of matter 'in Science. We did an experiment to see if the weight of ice changes when it melts to water. Ask us what the results were!...
In our Maths lessons, we have been exploring different strategies we can use to add multiples of 100. We used different practical resources to help us....
In PSHE, we have been thinking about our worries and wishes for the year ahead. We have spoken about how to deal with worries and when is the right time to share them. Our wishes for the year ahead include; improving our handwriting, going on...
We completed information texts based on the Stone Age that we shared with Year 3 children. Look at our neat handwriting....
In History we have been learning about timelines. We thought about what it means to be a significant person in history and learnt about our significant person Walter Tull....